IU -, IU has nearly 765,000 living alumni.
IU -IU's Pickleball team is on their way to Nationals with players ranked as number 2 and 3 in the country. https://www.idsnews.com/article/2023/10/pickleball-at-indiana-prepares-for-dupr-national-championship
IU -WHAT IS A HOOSIER?????? Growing up, I was told the term "HOOSIER" came from the pioneers and early settlers of Indiana whose dialect, when someone would knock on the door, would yell, "WHOOOSE - DER?" Here is some more context:
IU -ALUMNI, Jane Pauley, graduated from Indiana University Bloomington with a B.A. in Political Science in 1972
IU CANDY STRIPES . Legendary Indiana coaches James "Doc" Counsilman and Hobie Billingsley outfitted Indiana's swimmers and divers in candy stripes in the 1960s to better spot them at the pool, creating what would become an iconic IU design
