Behind this couple in their home is an active family who uses us, THE LAUNDRY CO. . They have three active kids, work full time, 2 pets, team manager for one child, Wednesday carpool driver for another, is on the neighborhood HOA and works hard to balance a strong family bond with the duties of running and managing a household. Life is a race and they were trying to get to the end...... THEN they tried TLC.....They realized they could already be reaping the rewards of their life if they outsourced a few chores!!!!! They called us and now use our monthly service. It might feel like a silly chore to outsource, but when you realize it takes 1.5 hours to do a load of laundry plus the time to fold and put away, you soon realize you are spending a lot of time away from what is important!
You, and your family, need the special gift only you can give. It begins with your time.......
We are a laundry concierge company. We pickup your laundry, wash, fold and then return separated by size and gender the next day. All you have to do is put it away.
TEXT us for your freedom @ 317-250-2583
EMAIL at the.laundryco@yahoo.com
WEB www.thelaundrycotlc.com All you have to do is put it away. We are a dream come true. Promise, no fingers crossed!